Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Commentary on William Shakespeares "That time of year thou mayst in me behold"

Ex: Autumn is ending and winter is beginning
Ex: Sun is setting and the night is nearing
"That time of year thou mayst in me behold" by William Shakespeare

-In this poem shakespeare uses all sorts of imagery such as the leaves turning autumn colors and or dying from the transition of seasons, the birds singing in a choir form, and the sun setting in the west.
-I believe that in this poem Shakespeare is telling the audience how autumn is nearing to winter therefore the leaves are falling and almost all gone. Then he continues by saying how the birds singing resembles a choir and their time for migrating is closing in on them. The day is nearing to its end and the sun is setting. Death is used as personification meaning that it is given a life that it does not possess and how the person in the poem is nearing to his/her death. So Shakespeare ends by saying that the person in the poem is saying goodbye and to cherish what you have while you are young and to love.

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